Reach for the Stars Summer Reading 2015

Reach for the Stars Summer Reading Program
A pledge based reading incentive program

  The goal of Reach for the Stars is for children to develop a daily reading habit, even during the summer. Educational experts recommend that children read 30 minutes per weekday. The Reach for the Stars program rewards children for reading with free books of their choice as well as participate in donating books to a local charity.   During this program, children will develop a reading routine and receive Usborne & Kane/Miller books for participating. Together we can help children discover the joy of reading and give them the opportunity to choose their very own books to keep!

How it works: All children are asked to read (or be read to) for a minimum of 400 minutes over six weeks. They collect pledges for their reading in any dollar amount. Then 100% of the amount of money they collect they get to pick out in reward books for themselves and 25% they select books to be donated to a local organization. For example, a child who collects $40 in pledges selects $40 in books for themselves AND $10 in books to be donated. 

Here's how you participate:
  1. REGISTER HERE to let us know you're joining us!
  2. Download your parent information page here.
  3. Download a reading log here and begin keeping track of your child's reading time! 
  4. Track and gather up your pledge money and attend our park day on July 31 to order your child's books (if you are unable to attend, please contact me!). Use this pledge tracking sheet to help organize your pledges!
  5. Celebrate the reading achievements with us on August 15th!